American Newspaper Account of the 1814 'Discovery' of Pitcairn's Island by the British Warships
Capt. Staines, of the British frigate Briton, writes, that on his passage from the Marqueses, September 17, he fell in with an island where none is laid down in his charts – lat. 25, 4, S. lon. 130, 25 W. – and found on it forty persons who spoke English, being the descendants of Christian and other mutineers of the Bounty – who proceeded there from Otaheite, where the ship was burnt. A man named John Adams was the only surviving Englishman. The descendants had been brought up in a moral manner. A son of Christian's was the first child born in the island – and is now 25 years of age – and is called Thursday-October Christian. The island is considered that called Pitcairn's, though erroneously laid down. They had never been visited but by one ship before – and that was the Topaz, Folger, of Boston – about 6 years since. |
Source:This transcription was made from the following newspaper: Merrimack Intelligencer (Haverhill, Massachusetts). Articles in the following newspapers are essentially identical:
Last updated by Tom Tyler, Denver, CO, USA, December 29, 2024.